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Motorola files for dual-screen smartwatch and gaze detection patent

The wearable technology wave is just getting started, and is showing no signs of slowing down. From smartwatches to Google Glass, things are only going to get more cluttered. With most major players all looking to get into the smartwatch game, a new patent from Motorola shows they might have some big plans for their upcoming watch. From dual-screens to gaze detection and more.


A newly discovered patent by Engadget shows Motorola getting weird with their smartwatch. Their current devices are all focused on fitness, and this won’t be any different. However, it also talks about dual screens, as well as that recently talked about “gaze detection” that Google applied for as well.

Gaze detection is about a device knowing when you’re looking at it, as it detects the users eyes and knows when the screen is actually being focused on. A lot of talk with this is around ads, and Google Glass, but watches might be getting into the fold too. The patent was from last year, and Motorola explains the device as an “appendage” but their images all show a watch on someones wrist, as you saw above.

There appears to be a hinge for a dual-screen system, which were not so sure about, but surely something unique could come from that. To be honest I’m still not sold on the smartwatch era were about to dive into, but Samsung’s upcoming device next week, and the recently rumored Google Nexus smartwatch could change that. What about you guys. Excited about Android-powered watches?