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Motorola DVX images spotted in FCC filing

Motorola DVX rumors are getting fairly common at this point, however we have yet to see a solid set of specs. Up until this point in time the DVX chatter has focused on the handset being a low-cost alternative to the Moto X. To that point, Republic Wireless is expected to launch the Motorola DVX in October and we know they are already planning to sell the Moto X at a contract-free $299. Putting the low-cost talk to the side, as of today it looks like some images of the handset have been revealed.


An revised FCC filing for the Motorola DVX was spotted by Reddit user Danrant and while we have yet to see anything further in the way of specs — this filing did provide a few images of the handset. Simply put, it looks we now know what the front and back of the Motorola DVX will look like. And indeed, with a few minor exceptions, the handset does look like the Moto X.

In fact, the one noticeable difference is the speaker grill, which is now on the opposite side of the camera lens. Other details coming from this filing include mention of three model numbers and support for GSM and WCDMA. And just to clarify, there wasn’t anything in terms of LTE support mentioned.


Those three model numbers include the XT1032, XT1033 and XT1035. The filing does not mention any carriers, however given there are a few model numbers listed — that could lead one to believe the handset will arrive with multiple carriers. As mentioned, Republic Wireless is one of those carriers. Otherwise, aside from offering a look at the handset, the purpose of this filing was for hearing aid compatibility tests.

All said and done, we have yet to see anything from Motorola that would suggest an announcement is coming up, however given what we have seen from Republic Wireless we are going to be on the lookout for some news sooner rather than later.