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Google Glass app store coming next year

Google Glass might not exactly be ready yet as everyone thinks or hopes. At least definitely not for this year. A Google representative has mentioned that a Play Store-like system for Google’s eyewear won’t be ready at least until next year.


Rumors, and wishful thinking, have previously sprung up pointing to a possible commercial launch of Google Glass by the end of 2013. This, however, contradicts statements made by Eric Schmidt in April, saying that Glass won’t be ready for another year. Quality assurance and marketing considerations aside, it seems that one reason for the delay is that a key piece of the Glass ecosystem is still not ready.

Apps for Google Glass, or Glassware, already do exist, ranging from apps that use the limited web-based API to ones that that make use of Android API in preparation far a dedicated Glass Development Kit. However, at the moment, there is currently no easy way to distribute and install these apps. Suffice it to say, a device that is targeted for mass consumption will not be received well by the public without an easy-to-use system for searching, installing, and managing Glassware similar to how Google Play Store functions for Android devices.

Monetization is another piece of the puzzle that has yet to fall into place. At the moment, the Glass API terms of service requires that apps are offered free of charge. That might make sense during this development stage, but is bound to change before the final release. Google is said to be working out the process for developers to submit their apps. But until then, the rest of us eager to get our hands on a Glass device will just have wait for better news next year.

VIA: Marketing Land