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Clash of Clans invades Android, still in closed beta

It is always good to hear when developers and publishers finally decide to spread the success of their products to the throng of Android uses all over the world, such as the case of Supercell. The developer behind the Clash of Clans has finally relented and is now bringing the hit game to Android.


Like a lot of developers, Supercell found Apple’s iOS to be a more lucrative platform and has refused to port their game to Android. That is, until recently. It seems that last month, Supercell CEO Ilkka Paananen found some wisdom in also catering to Android, especially if the company wants to make inroads in Asian, and we daresay add, other emerging markets, where Google’s open mobile platform has taken a stronger foothold. And so it seems that Supercell is making good on its word.

In a Supercell fan meeting in San Francisco on Wednesday, the company sneakily inserted the announcement of the beta for Clash of Clans at the end of the 3-hour event. Those who have already left by then were disappointed at not being there when the momentous revelation was made, but the move was nonetheless met with undulated delight by Android-wielding fans of the game.

Unfortunately, the game is still in limited-access beta and there have been no details yet on how to get into the VIP list, if possible at all at this point. But if it just took the company a month or so to go from “considering Android” to “almost on Android”, we can probably expect a public release of the game very soon.

VIA: The Next Web